Crushing or mixing mill for fertilizers Grind the eggshells ( up) to a powder and give it to the hens with their food. 磨碎机,肥料粉碎或搅拌用把蛋壳磨成粉,掺在饲料中给母鸡吃。
The paper set up mechanics model of roll cylinder mill, inquired into crushing stress of materials by mill and materials clamp angle and energy requirement problems. 本文建立了辊筒磨的力学模型,探讨了辊筒磨对物料的粉碎力、以及物料钳角、单位质量能耗等问题,并通过实验进行了验。
Analysis of "Coarse Crushing+ From+ Ball Mill" Broken Processes and Production Practice 粗碎+自磨机+球磨机破碎流程及生产实践分析
This machine is a new type rock crushing equipment developed in the1990s and is used for substituting roller and ball mill; 本机是九十年代开发的新型中、细碎石设备,也是目前世界上广泛用于替代锥碎机、对辊机、球磨机的机型。
To Plan, design and manufacture plastic crushing machine, rubber oil pressure crushing machine, shredder, grinding, mill and relative wholly equipments. 塑胶粉碎机、胶布油压轧切机、磨粉机等相关整厂设备之规划,设计制造。
GYP-600 Inertia Cone Crusher Applied in Fine Crushing in a Uranium Mill GYP-600型惯性圆锥破碎机在某水冶厂铀矿细碎中的应用
Design and Analysis of Crushing Mill Base Vibration Isolation 破碎机基础隔振设计与分析
Comparison of investment and management expenses of conventional crushing grinding process with those of autogenous grinding and ball mill process 常规碎磨与自磨加球磨流程投资和经营费的比较
The results showed that the quicker the speed of the crushing mill ran, the higher the finess degree and viscosity were. 结果表明,粉碎机的碾磨速度越快,大米粉细度越高,检测出的粘度就越高;反之越低。
First, on the basis of the pellet section sieving analysis theory, the crushing and grinding mechanism of tube mill and ball crusher is revealed in order to carry out high quality and production of cement, low consumption of raw material. 围绕水泥成品优质高产低消耗的目标,从管磨机与球破机料球截面筛析理论入手,揭示了管磨机与球破机的粉碎机理。
According to the introduction book of crushing mill, the weight of crushing mill base should be 8~ 10 times machine weight. 根据鄂式破碎机的产品说明书,其钢筋混凝土基础配重应该为机器质量的8~10倍。
"more crushing and less grinding" was thus realized with the least investment and ball mill efficiency and through-put were raised without changing the crushing technology, thus achieving good economic benefit. 不改变碎矿工艺,以最小的投资实现多碎少磨,大幅度提高了球磨机的生产效率及选矿厂的处理量,取得了较好的规模经济效益。
Crushing with 3 times and sieving in 4 grades, as well as sand producing by rod mill combined with vertical impact breaker have been adopted in the system. 该系统的骨料破碎筛分采用三段破碎四级筛分工艺,人工制砂采用棒磨机与立式冲击破联合制砂工艺。
Analysis of Particle Crushing by Jet Mill 气流磨粉碎颗粒分析
The author has summarized the "four dimension crushing and grinding theory" and derived the calculating fomula based on analysis and research on the kinematic law of the grinding media and ground material in the mill shell. 从分析研究磨料和物料在磨机中的运动规律入手,发现总结出四维破磨理论,并推导出计算公式。
Research on crushing and grinding mechanism of tube mill and ball crusher 管磨机与球破机粉碎机理研究
The crushing behavior of synthetic diamond in high pressure rol mill and vibrating mill has been investigated. 根据人造金刚石硬度高、性脆的特点,研究了在高压辊磨机中的粉碎特性,并与振动磨机作了初步比较。
The new trend of fine crushing technology is outlined and the stress is laid on the development process, working principle, structure and application of new type fine crushing equipment& agitating grinding mill which has explored new thinking of modern super fine crushing technology. 概述了超细粉碎技术的新动向。重点阐述了新型超细粉碎设备&搅拌磨的发展历程、工作原理、结构及应用,为现代超细粉碎技术开拓新的思路。
The Electrostatic Problems in Crushing with Jet Mill 气流粉碎过程中的静电问题
Study on Crushing Season of Sugarcane Mill in Yunnan Province 云南甘蔗糖厂的榨季设置
The electrostatic phenomena during crushing ammonium perchlorate and red phosphorus with jet mill are reported in this paper. 本文报导了典型氧化剂高氯酸铵和可燃物赤磷在超细粉碎过程中所产生的静电现象,分析了静电产生的原因,并提出了减少或消除静电的可行方法。
Discussion on the crushing capability of a grinding mill 磨机的冲击粉碎能力分析
At present, superfine crushing equipments that are being used in actual manufacture home and overseas mainly include high velocity impact mill, fluid energy mill, medium stirred mill, vibration ball mill and other equipments. 目前,国内外用于实际生产中的超细粉碎设备主要有高速机械冲击式磨机、气流磨、介质搅拌磨、振动磨等设备,并从工作原理、结构特点等方面详细介绍了其典型设备。
The crushing characteristics of wave grinding mill and its crushing effect were analyzed by using orthogonal tests, respectively. 通过对振动磨机碎矿特点的分析,采用正交分析的方法对磨机破碎效果的试验研究,认为:在影响振动磨机破碎效率诸多因素中,磨介的级配、振幅及频率是主要因素。
The vibratory crusher is one of the fine crushing machinery which can substitute for the coarse mill in the comminution circle to greatly reduce the energy consumption of the whole comminution circle. 振动破碎机是一种可以达到粗磨效果的超细破碎机,它可以使整个粉磨流程的能耗大幅降低。
Experimental Study of Ore rock Crushing with High compression Roller Mill 矿岩高压辊磨的试验研究
Crushing mechanism and its use in QLM-type colliding jet mill QLM型对撞式气流磨的粉碎机理与应用
It have summered up the theory of crushing that turbulence mill use partly, clarify the crush mechanism of this kind of comminution. 概述了部分湍流式粉碎机用到的粉碎理论,阐明了该种粉碎机的粉碎机理。